Township Government
Township government is responsible for township assistance, abandoned cemetery care, and for providing funding for fire and medical emergency protection. Some townships also fund cultural and recreational services.
Township government is funded from several sources: general property tax, county option income tax, financial institution tax, auto and aircraft excise tax and commercial vehicle excise tax. The township board is authorized to set a tax levy rate necessary to generate the amount the township board determines is needed for township functions.
Brown Township Trustee: Kylene Simpson P.O. Box 118 Waveland, IN 47989 Office: 765/866-1601 Hours by appointment |
Brown Township Board Members: |
Clark Township Trustee: Madona Light 106 S Washington Street Ladoga, IN 47954 Office: 765/307-8503 Hours by appointment |
Clark Township Board Members: |
Coal Creek Township Trustee: Roger Kunkel 106 S Wabash New Richmond, IN by appointment Office: 765/339-4518 Hours by appointment |
Coal Creek Township Board Members: |
Franklin Township Trustee: Kay Anderson 5434 N 700 E Darlington, IN Office: 765/794-4242 Hours by appointment |
Franklin Township Board Members: |
Madison Township Trustee: Greg Fuller 302 E Water Linden, IN Office: 765/339-4353 Hours by appointment |
Madison Township Board Members: |
Ripley Township: Jamie M. Selby P.O. Box 2 Alamo, IN Office: 765/376-7914 Hours by appointment |
Ripley Township Board Members: |
Scott Township: Mike Tricker Office: 765/267-7007 Email: [email protected] Hours by appointment |
Scott Township Trustee Board Members: |
Sugar Creek Township: Carey Hanna Email: Hours by appointment |
Sugar Creek Township Board Members: |
Walnut Township: Tammy Blankenship Williams |
Walnut Township Board Members: |
Wayne Township Trustee: N. Kathy Ryker P.O. Box 363 Waynetown, IN Office: 765/323-8286 Hours by appointment |
Wayne Township Board Members: |
Union Township Trustee: Aaron Morgan 1311 Darlington Ave P.O. Box 763 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 Office: 765/362-0706 Hours: M-F 8:00a - 12:00p |
Union Township Board Members: |