Drainage Board Minutes - 08/14/2007




The Montgomery County Drainage Board met on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 in the conference room at the South Boulevard County Building, 110 West South Boulevard, Crawfordsville, Indiana.

Those members present were as follows: Commissioner Phil Bane, Chairman; Commissioner William D. McCormick, Vice Chairman; Deanna Durrett, Member/Executive Secretary; Dave Rhoads, Member; Jack Grimble, Member; Surveyor Tom Cummins; and Drainage Board Secretary Lori Dossett.

Also present: Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan; Barry Lewis, The Paper; Aleasha Shelley, Journal-Review; Building Administrator Marc Bonwell; Paul Dietz, Jim White, Ron Cunningham, Pat Cunningham-Vester & Associates; David Turner; Elizabeth Flohr; Robert Calhan; Art Buck; Bill Dice and Marian Lindow-League of Women Voters.

Chairman Phil Bane called the meeting to order @ 8:00 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Reverend Terry led the prayer.

Approval of Minutes - July 25, 2007

Dave Rhoads moved to approve the July 25, 2007 minutes. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Staff Report -


Leadership Academy - Surveyor Tom Cummins reported to the Board that he attended the first Leadership Academy class on Friday, August 10th. The class meets on Friday afternoons for the next 14 weeks.

Surveyor Tom Cummins reported to the Board that he attended the first Leadership Academy class on Friday, August 10th. The class meets on Friday afternoons for the next 14 weeks.

GIS Training - Surveyor Cummins advised the Board that he will be attending a GIS seminar hosted by the Schneider Corporation on August 21st & August 22nd.

Surveyor Cummins advised the Board that he will be attending a GIS seminar hosted by the Schneider Corporation on August 21st & August 22nd.

James Sanders Reconstruction - Surveyor Cummins advised that the previous estimate of $40,800 for the cost of the reconstruction is an accurate estimate and his office will now move forward with the next step in the process.

Surveyor Cummins advised that the previous estimate of $40,800 for the cost of the reconstruction is an accurate estimate and his office will now move forward with the next step in the process.

Carper-Crowder Repair - Surveyor Cummins provided before and after photographs of the drain repair and advised that the final cost of the repair was $1,000 less than the original estimate. Gayle Lough has advised the Drainage Board office that the contractor did a good job on the project.

Surveyor Cummins provided before and after photographs of the drain repair and advised that the final cost of the repair was $1,000 less than the original estimate. Gayle Lough has advised the Drainage Board office that the contractor did a good job on the project.

Golf View Estates - Bill McCormick reported that he has received a report back from Mark Davidson on the possible dangers to the trees along Country Club Road if a pipe were to be installed. The existence of a major gas line running down the ditch on Country Club Road is

Bill McCormick reported that he has received a report back from Mark Davidson on the possible dangers to the trees along Country Club Road if a pipe were to be installed. The existence of a major gas line running down the ditch on Country Club Road is

also a major consideration. Deanna Durrett pointed out that the Drainage Board does not have authority regarding the Golf View Estates water issue, but is helping landowners find solutions.

Old Business -


John Ward Drain - Ron Cunningham, Vester & Associates presented a Power Point presentation of the findings of the condition and recommendations for the repair and or replacement of the drain. Bill McCormick moved to take the recommendations under advisement and requested that the Drainage Board office provide costs of alternate repairs as suggested by Mr. Dice. Dave Rhoads seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried. The matter will be placed on the next Drainage Board agenda and Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan stated to the property owners present that this meeting serves as public notice.

Ron Cunningham, Vester & Associates presented a Power Point presentation of the findings of the condition and recommendations for the repair and or replacement of the drain. Bill McCormick moved to take the recommendations under advisement and requested that the Drainage Board office provide costs of alternate repairs as suggested by Mr. Dice. Dave Rhoads seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried. The matter will be placed on the next Drainage Board agenda and Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan stated to the property owners present that this meeting serves as public notice.

Update on Gwin petition to take depositions - County Attorney Suanne Milligan advised that she received Notice of Depositions for taking the testimony in the Gwin lawsuit regarding the Thomas Wilkins Drain.

County Attorney Suanne Milligan advised that she received Notice of Depositions for taking the testimony in the Gwin lawsuit regarding the Thomas Wilkins Drain.

Meeting recessed @ 9:05 a.m.

Meeting reconvened @ 9:15 a.m.

New Business -

Revised Policy and Procedure for Request for Quotations and Qualifications of Contractors - Adopted 11/4/06 - Deanna Durrett moved to approve the Revised Policy and Procedure for Request for Quotations and Qualifications of Contractors. Bill McCormick seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Petition for the Removal of an Obstruction; Petition to Advance the Date when a Regulated Drain will be Referred to the County Surveyor - Bill McCormick moved to approve the forms as presented. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Drain Inspection/Classification Report - Surveyor Cummins presented the Board with the Drain Inspection/Classification Report which is a new format.

Surveyor Cummins presented the Board with the Drain Inspection/Classification Report which is a new format.

Drainage Board Fees - Drainage Board Attorney Milligan advised she has been reviewing Drainage Board filing fees. Ms. Durrett and Surveyor Cummins will gather information from surrounding counties regarding filing fees and report back to the Board at a later date.

Drainage Board Attorney Milligan advised she has been reviewing Drainage Board filing fees. Ms. Durrett and Surveyor Cummins will gather information from surrounding counties regarding filing fees and report back to the Board at a later date.

Other Business -


Dave Rhoads questioned the status of the Basil VanCleave Drain. Bill McCormick advised that the debris beyond the culvert will be cleared. Mr. Quigg has agreed to maintain the drain after the drain is cleared out of weeds and debris.

Claims - No claims were presented for payment.

No claims were presented for payment.

Public Comment -


Building Administrator Marc Bonwell advised that the New Market Fire Station plans have been revised reducing the size of the building to 7,200 and a drainage plan was previously approved by the Drainage Board.

Bill McCormick moved to adjourn. Jack Grimble seconded. There being no further business before the Drainage Board, the meeting was adjourned. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned @ 9:45 a.m.

Minutes prepared by Lori Dossett, Drainage Board Secretary.

Lori Dossett, Secretary

 Phil Bane, Chairman


William D. McCormick, Vice Chairman


Deanna Durrett, Member


Dave Rhoads, Member


Jack Grimble, Member