Drainage Board Minutes - 05/23/2007


TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2007


The Montgomery County Drainage Board met on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 in the conference room at the South Boulevard County Building, 110 West South Boulevard, Crawfordsville, Indiana.

Those members present were as follows: Commissioner Phil Bane, Chairman; Commissioner William D. McCormick, Vice Chairman; Deanna Durrett, Member/Executive Secretary; Dave Rhodes, Member; Jack Grimble, Member; Surveyor Tom Cummins; and Drainage Board Secretary Lori Dossett.

Also present: Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan; Barry Lewis, The Paper; Building Administrator Marc Bonwell; C. Edward Allen; Jim Gineris; Jerry Olson; and Marian Lindow-League of Women Voters.

Chairman Phil Bane called the meeting to order @ 8:00 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Pastor Joe Dodds led the prayer.

Approval of Minutes - May 9, 2007 & May 10, 2007

Bill McCormick moved to approve the May 9, 2007 and May 10, 2007 minutes. Dave Rhodes seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Mapping Project - Chairman Phil Bane reported that the County Council approved an appropriation in the amount of $35,000 for the mapping project. Deanna Durrett advised that the Schneider Corporation has been chosen for the project.

- Chairman Phil Bane reported that the County Council approved an appropriation in the amount of $35,000 for the mapping project. Deanna Durrett advised that the Schneider Corporation has been chosen for the project.

Landowners Performing Their Own Work - Deanna Durrett questioned why the Drainage Board needed a policy for such work. Bill McCormick stated that if a drain is deficit and a small fix comes in then the farmer should be allowed to do the work and be reimbursed provided he follows the guidelines. Durrett advised she will prepare a policy for the next Drainage Board meeting.

Deanna Durrett questioned why the Drainage Board needed a policy for such work. Bill McCormick stated that if a drain is deficit and a small fix comes in then the farmer should be allowed to do the work and be reimbursed provided he follows the guidelines. Durrett advised she will prepare a policy for the next Drainage Board meeting.

Gwinn Hearing - Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan advised that a hearing to preserve testimony was held on May 21st in Montgomery Superior Court. Special permission has to be granted to enable the Gwinn's to take depositions before a petition is filed. Attorney Milligan advised Judge Ault took the matter under advisement.

- Drainage Board Attorney Suanne Milligan advised that a hearing to preserve testimony was held on May 21st in Montgomery Superior Court. Special permission has to be granted to enable the Gwinn's to take depositions before a petition is filed. Attorney Milligan advised Judge Ault took the matter under advisement.

Round Table of Organizations Concerned with Drainage - Deanna Durrett stated that at the last strategic planning session the Drainage Board discussed the value of different organizations meeting to discuss drainage issues. She will organize a meeting on July 10th at 9:00 a.m. or July 17 at 10:00 a.m. with the office of Soil & Water; Purdue Extension; Highway Department; and City Planning Department.

Deanna Durrett stated that at the last strategic planning session the Drainage Board discussed the value of different organizations meeting to discuss drainage issues. She will organize a meeting on July 10th at 9:00 a.m. or July 17 at 10:00 a.m. with the office of Soil & Water; Purdue Extension; Highway Department; and City Planning Department.

New Business:

Cherry Hill Stormwater Approval - Building Administrator Marc Bonwell advised he will present the stormwater plans at the June 12th Drainage Board meeting.

Building Administrator Marc Bonwell advised he will present the stormwater plans at the June 12th Drainage Board meeting.

Two-mile in Re: Stormwater - Building Administrator Bonwell stated that there continues to be confusion over enforcement issues in the two-mile zone. He stated an ordinance was passed in 2002 which turned over the enforcement duties to the City of Crawfordsville. An issue has arose with the Golf View Estates and the development of a water problem involving subterranean water. He stated the Slentz property is pumping 40 gallons per minute into the side ditch which is for designed for surface water. Ed Allen, Jim Gineris and Jerry Olson appeared before the Drainage Board stating their concerns of the constant water flow in

- Building Administrator Bonwell stated that there continues to be confusion over enforcement issues in the two-mile zone. He stated an ordinance was passed in 2002 which turned over the enforcement duties to the City of Crawfordsville. An issue has arose with the Golf View Estates and the development of a water problem involving subterranean water. He stated the Slentz property is pumping 40 gallons per minute into the side ditch which is for designed for surface water. Ed Allen, Jim Gineris and Jerry Olson appeared before the Drainage Board stating their concerns of the constant water flow in

the drainage ditch in front of their homes. Bill McCormick moved to instruct Building Administrator Marc Bonwell to check with DNR for their opinion on what the water source and Dave Rhodes seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Staff Report -

Long Range Plan - Surveyor Tom Cummins submitted a Long Range Plan for June, 2007 to December, 2008. Deanna Durrett moved to approve the Long Range Plan as submitted. Bill McCormick seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Drain Classification

Chrineyance Schenck Drain - Classified for Reconstruction. Cummins advised that the current maintenance assessment is: $1.58 per acre. The drain has numerous tile holes. The 24" tile collapsed and is functioning as an open drain across Randy McCormick's property. McCormick requests converting the tile to open drain. The outlet is adequate but needs debrushing. The drain serves as an outlet to the Guy Little Drain.

- Surveyor Tom Cummins submitted a Long Range Plan for June, 2007 to December, 2008. Deanna Durrett moved to approve the Long Range Plan as submitted. Bill McCormick seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Drain Classification

Chrineyance Schenck Drain - Classified for Reconstruction. Cummins advised that the current maintenance assessment is: $1.58 per acre. The drain has numerous tile holes. The 24" tile collapsed and is functioning as an open drain across Randy McCormick's property. McCormick requests converting the tile to open drain. The outlet is adequate but needs debrushing. The drain serves as an outlet to the Guy Little Drain.

Classified for Reconstruction. Cummins advised that the current maintenance assessment is: $1.58 per acre. The drain has numerous tile holes. The 24" tile collapsed and is functioning as an open drain across Randy McCormick's property. McCormick requests converting the tile to open drain. The outlet is adequate but needs debrushing. The drain serves as an outlet to the Guy Little Drain.

Albert Hysong Drain - Classified for Reconstruction. Cummins advised that the current maintenance assessment is: $1.08 per acre. The drain is currently a Joint Drain with Hendricks County. Hendricks County does not pay an assessment on the drain. A landowner informational hearing has been set for June 7th.

Classified for Reconstruction. Cummins advised that the current maintenance assessment is: $1.08 per acre. The drain is currently a Joint Drain with Hendricks County. Hendricks County does not pay an assessment on the drain. A landowner informational hearing has been set for June 7th.

James Gilliland Drain - Classified for Maintenance. Cummins advised the current maintenance assessment is: $3.06 per acre. Tile holes are in need of repair. He suggested installing a breather at the tile hole along US231 to allow release of access pressure. The open ditch needs to be on a spray program.

Classified for Maintenance. Cummins advised the current maintenance assessment is: $3.06 per acre. Tile holes are in need of repair. He suggested installing a breather at the tile hole along US231 to allow release of access pressure. The open ditch needs to be on a spray program.

Consulting Engineer Project - Cummins advised that he and Deanna Durrett spent the day with Jeff Heely visiting the Thomas Wilkins Drain, James Gobin Drain, John Galey Drain, Weliever Drain, Odis Stafford Drain and a lot of good information was gathered. They will be meeting with Ron Cunningham on Thursday, May 24th to look at other drains.

- Cummins advised that he and Deanna Durrett spent the day with Jeff Heely visiting the Thomas Wilkins Drain, James Gobin Drain, John Galey Drain, Weliever Drain, Odis Stafford Drain and a lot of good information was gathered. They will be meeting with Ron Cunningham on Thursday, May 24th to look at other drains.

Visit to Boone County Drainage Board - The new Board members will visit the Boone County Drainage Board on June 18th.

The new Board members will visit the Boone County Drainage Board on June 18th.

James Hose Grant Administrator - Deanna Durrett advised that the grant administrator is scheduled to meet with the Commissioners at the next Commissioners meeting on May 29th.

Deanna Durrett advised that the grant administrator is scheduled to meet with the Commissioners at the next Commissioners meeting on May 29th.

Schedule Deficit Drain Hearings -

Charles Ludlow #1, George Hinton, John Ward, James Gilliland, James Sanders - Bill McCormick moved to schedule the Charles Ludlow #1, George Hinton, John Ward, James Gilliland, James Sanders for hearing on June 26, 2007 @ 8:00 am. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

- Bill McCormick moved to schedule the Charles Ludlow #1, George Hinton, John Ward, James Gilliland, James Sanders for hearing on June 26, 2007 @ 8:00 am. Jack Grimble seconded. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

FINANCIAL REPORT - Deanna Durrett advised she had nothing to report at this time.

- Deanna Durrett advised she had nothing to report at this time.

CLAIMS - No claims were presented for approval.

No claims were presented for approval.

PUBLIC COMMENT - No one came forward with a public comment.

No one came forward with a public comment.

Building Administrator Bonwell advised the Drainage Board of a possible drainage issue at Big Four Arch Crossing. He will keep the Drainage Board of new information as it arises.

Bill McCormick moved to adjourn. Jack Grimble seconded. There being no further business before the Drainage Board, the meeting was adjourned. 5-0 votes in favor. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned @ 9:25 a.m.

Minutes prepared by Lori Dossett, Drainage Board Secretary.

Lori Dossett, Secretary

Phil Bane, Chairman


William D. McCormick, Vice Chairman


Deanna Durrett, Member


Dave Rhodes, Member


Jack Grimble, Member